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Research at CMU (Jan '23 onwards)

Masters Thesis:

Analyzing Over and Under Prescribing of Medications in Multi-Morbid Patients: A Machine Learning Approach to Patient Safety via Medication Reconciliation


A Review of Machine Learning Approaches in Dengue Fever​ (In progress)

​A comprehensive review article exploring the existing machine learning methodologies employed in the study of Dengue Fever, covering various aspects including definition, etiology, epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and prognosis.


Machine Learning for Screening Suicidal Ideation in Patients with

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (In progress)

*Forthcoming: Poster Presentation at AMIA Annual Summit 2023

Improving Medication Reconciliation Using Deep Learning Recommendation Systems


A proof-of-concept solution developed for the Patient Safety Fellowship Challenge, organised by the Jewish Healthcare Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA.​ The poster was presented at the Final Expo of the fellowship.

Amogh Ananda Rao, Patient Safety, Jewish Healthcare Foundation
Articles in Focus

Tennis Courts in the Human Body: A Review of the Misleading Metaphor in Medical Literature

Large surfaces in the human body are widely (and erroneously) likened to a tennis court in medical literature. This article deconstructs the discrepancies in this metaphor and provides an introduction to fractal geometry.


Medical Diagnosis Reimagined as a Process of Bayesian Reasoning and Elimination

A mathematical perspective using Bayes reasoning of the age-old practice of diagnosing a patient with an example of Kartagener syndrome.

Clinical Research Publications

Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte, Lymphocyte-to- Monocyte, and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratios: Prognostic Significance in COVID-19

A cross-sectional study aimed at examining the prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte, lymphocyte-to-monocyte, platelet-to-lymphocyte, and mean platelet volume (MPV)-to-platelet count ratios in patients with COVID-19.

Prognosis of COVID-19: Red Cell Distribution Width, Platelet Distribution Width, and C-Reactive Protein

A cross-sectional study aimed to analyze the prognostic efficacy of red cell distribution width, platelet distribution width, and C-reactive protein in patients with COVID-19.


Fractals: The Next Big Thing in Medicine

Fractals(or fractional dimensions) are a signature of chaotic, non-linear systems. Fractal geometry provides a new language to describe the roughness inherent to the structure and function of the human body.


Dengue Fever: Prognostic Insights From a Complete Blood Count

Dengue fever is endemic in more than a hundred countries. This hospital-based, retrospective study aimed to investigate the value of a complete blood count (CBC) in determining the prognosis of dengue fever.

A Needle in the Fetal Brain: The Rare Role of Transabdominal Cephalocentesis in Fetal Hydrocephalus

A case report of a primigravida with term fetal hydrocephalus who underwent ultrasound-guided transabdominal cephalocentesis and subsequently delivered vaginally without any adverse perinatal outcomes.


Insulin, Insulin Everywhere: A Rare Case Report of Rabson-Mendenhall Syndrome

A case report of a 19-year-old patient diagnosed with Rabson Mendenhall Syndrome, a rare autosomal recessive disorder wherein defective insulin receptor(INSR) gene causes severe insulin resistance.

Patients With Suicidal Patterns in the Emergency Room: A Clinical and Social Reflection

A hospital-based observational study of the clinical presentation and the social patterns of patients who presented to the Emergency Room with attempted suicide.

Image by Andreea Popa

How Does Aspartate Aminotransferase-to-Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) Hold Up in Predicting Adverse Outcomes and Prognosis among Patients with Chronic Liver Disease Compared to Other Liver Scoring Systems?

A comparative analysis of aspartate aminotransferase: platelet ratio index(APRI) with Child-Pugh-Turcotte(CTP) score, the model for end-stage liver disease(MELD) and MELD–sodium(Na), to forecast the clinical course of patients with chronic liver disease.

Effect of Haemodialysis on QTc in Newly Diagnosed Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

A prospective cohort study of fifty patients recently diagnosed with chronic kidney disease to analyze the effects of hemodialysis on corrected QT (QTc) intervals in the short run.

Screenshot 2023-09-16 at 4.31.00 PM.png

Liver: Function and dysfunction in COVID-19

A cross-sectional study in a tertiary healthcare setting in the initial months of the pandemic to describe the clinical characteristics in patients of COVID-19 and investigate the gender difference with particular regard to liver impairment.

Relationship of Night time Blood Pressure with Urine Microalbumin Creatinine Ratio in Non-CKD Patients

A prospective study to examine the relationship between night-time blood pressure and urine microalbumin to creatinine ratio in patients with either type 2 diabetes mellitus or hypertension, without any evidence of renal damage.


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